NICHOLS LISTSERV - (Official PTA Communication) Want to get those important last minute announcements from school? Have a question that you think a seasoned Nichols parent could answer? You can accomplish both by joining the Nichols Listserv. It's another great way for our families to get information about what's going on at Nichols, as well as to share information with each other.
How To Join: Click the link above to go to the Google Group "NicholsList". Request to Join. To protect our community, your request must be approved by the group moderators.
To manage the flow of e-mails you receive, when you join the listserv you may elect to receive each post as a separate email, or receive them grouped together or in digest form. Feel free to choose the format that works best for you.
NICHOLS NEWS - (Official Communication prepared by Principal Wright and your Nichols PTA)
Automatic weekly distribution. No need to subscribe.
FACEBOOK GROUP - (Moderated by the PTA, but open to the community to post) Have you joined the Nichols Middle School Community - Evanston, IL? It’s a great way to receive notices from the Nichols PTA and connect with other parents and caregivers in our Nichols community!
How To Join: Click the link above to go to the
Facebook Group "Nichols Middle School Community - Evanston, IL". Request to Join. To protect our community, your requst must be approved by the group moderators.
YOUTUBE - Maintained by Nichols PTA to serve as a place to share recorded content including digital meetings and forums.
How to subscribe: Visit our YouTube page and click "SUBSCRIBE"